Markus Schröppel |

AGRA0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu
AGRA0715 Environmental Graphics
Linklist according to our lecture: »Deconstructing Disability« 14. Mar.
»Deconstructing Disability: A Philosophy for Inclusion.« Danforth, Scot; Rhodes, William (1997) Remedial and Special Education 6(18): 357-366. PDF english
»Statistics on disability, students« Statista Statistic Portal english
»Models With Disabilities at New York Fashion Week« Rossalyn Warren buzzfeed.com english
»wheelmap.org« Find wheelchair accessible places Online Map english
»Peirce, Saussure and the foundations of semiotics« Mihhail Lotman Tallinn University, Culture theory PDF, english
»Design /18/12« Cologne (GER) Online magazine deutsch
»Allford Hall Monaghan Morris« London (UK) Timothy Soar, Architectural Photographer english
»Digitale Demenz« Manfred Spitzer Michael Hanfeld, Stellvertretender Feuilletonchef, Medienredakteur, F.A.Z. Frankfurt; 04.09.2012 deutsch
»Vauxhall Cross Transport Interchange« London (UK) TfL - Transport for London english
»Legible London« London (UK) easy-to-use signage system; TfL - Transport for London english
»The Extraordinary Life Of Tempelhofer Feld« Berlin (GER) James Moorton, 3 November 2016 english
Tamed nature:
»The National Board of Antiquities« (Finland's material cultural heritage); Helsinki (FI) suomeksi, svenska, english
Ismo Luukkonen: »Kalliotaide«/»Rock Art«, »Muinaispaikkoja«/»Places of Prehistory«; photographer
Turku (FI) suomeksi, english
»Suomen muinaistaideseura ry«/»Finnish Ancient Art Society«, ; Helsinki (FI) suomeksi
Catarina Leitão: »Portable Private Garden« WaveHill Gallery, Bronx, NY (USA) english
»Quest for Fire« (French: La Guerre du feu) (80,000 B.C.) Jean-Jacques Annaud, 20th Century Fox (1981) Invented language, trailer
Time journey back into the Stone Age: »Movie Documentary ›Stone Age‹ « ARD/SWR (German TV) (2008) german
authentically reconstructed Lake Dwellings; Stone and Bronze Age (4.000 to 850 BC) Lake Constance (Bodensee), Unteruhldingen, Germany. english
The first antiquity era: Classical antiquity: Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Vitruvius Pollio: »De architectura« (The Ten Books on Architecture); translation english
The second antiquity era: Renaisance: Andrea Palladio
Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio CISA A.Palladio english, italian
The third antiquity era: Classicism: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
»Italian Journey« (in the German original: Italienische Reise) Das Fach- und Kulturportal der Goethezeit german
The fourth antiquity era: Postmodernism: Mario Botta
Mario Botta Architetto homepage english, italian
de Botton, Alain: ›The Architecture of Happiness‹;
ISBN: 978-0375424434; New York: Pantheon Books (2006) english
Bürdek, Bernhard E.: ›Vom Mythos des Funktionalismus‹; (Myth of Functionalism)
ISBN: 3883752703; Köln : W. König, (1997) deutsch
Cho, Heeryon: ›Cultural Differences in Pictogram Communications‹ Interaction Science Research Institute Sungkyunkwan University, (Korea) english
Kastner, Jeffrey: ›Land and environmental art‹;
ISBN: 91-87215-373, London : Phaidon , 1998 → Call Number: Lapin yliopiston kirjaston: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma TAID 73/76 Land and environmental
Morris, William: ›News from nowhere‹;
Julkaistu myös paperimuodossa (ISBN 1843270145) Ebrary-verkkokirja, luettavissa Lapin yliopiston verkossa. Ebrary e-book, available in University of Lapland LAN.
Nikula, Riitta: ›Architecture and Landscape: The Building of Finland‹;
ISBN 13: 978-951-1-12534-1; 1993, Otava (Helsinki) Helsingin yliopiston kirjastot; Kansalliskirjasto, Call Number: H Avokok. 72 Nikula
Petherbridge, Deanna: ›Art for Architecture: A Handbook on Commissioning‹;
ISBN: 0 11 751794 1; London 1987 english
Raith, Karin: ›Die Unterseite der Architektur‹; (underneath of architecture / Alapintaan arkkitehtuuri)
ISBN: 978-3-211-78653-6; Springer Verlag, 2008 deutsch
Vihma, Susann: ›Designhistoria en introduktion‹;
ISBN: 91-87215-373, ruotsin kielen, swedish → Call Number: Lapin yliopiston kirjaston: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma · TAID 745/749 Vihma Susann
Vitruv (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio): ›De Architectura‹; Translated by Morris Hicky Morgan, Landscape Information Hub (LIH); UK, english, online
Wilhide, Elizabeth: ›William Morris: decor and design‹;
ISBN: 1-85145-508-6 → Call Number: Lapin yliopiston kirjaston: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma · TAID 747 Wilhide Elizabeth
Żylińska, Marzena: ›The brain goes to school‹; Copernicus Science Centre (PL); english, online
What else left:
100 villas designed by 100 architects in »Ordos«, Inner Mongolia (CN) Jiang Yuan Water Engineering Ltd. FAKE Design, (CN) english
»Die Villen des Milch-Barons« Villen in der Inneren Mongolei kulturplatz.sf.tv, Zürich (CH) movie, deutsch, schweizerdeutsch (swiss german, schweizertyska dialekter)
»Ordos 100« phase II movingcities.org, Beijing-based think-thank
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