Markus Schröppel |

AGRA0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu
AGRA0715 Wayfinding and Signage Design
Linklist according to our lecture: »Guidance - designed with everyone in mind.« tuesday 6.10.2020
›Worldwide Destinations: The geography of travel and tourism (Volume 1)‹ by Brian Boniface, Robyn Cooper, Chris Cooper
Publisher: Routledge; 6 edition (June 22, 2012) english, download
The magic of Lapland - the movies:
›Meet the locals of Lapland - The North of Finland‹
›Frost & Fire by Sound of Lapland‹
Visit Lappland
The ›House of Lapland‹ Valtakatu 11, 96100 Rovaniemi, Finland (FIN) english · Webpage
The ›Kuusamon kaupunki‹ Kuusamo city Kuusamo finnish · english
Kuusamo Ruka:
›Facts about tourism in Ruka and Kuusamo‹
Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association english
›Rukan ja Kuusamon matkailun faktoja‹
Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association suomeksi
›Ruka and Kuusamo‹ Statistic
Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association english
›Ruka and Kuusamo‹ Brochures for season 2019-2020
Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association english
signs / signage
The ›Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)‹ United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration (USA) english
The ›Substituting/Optimizing (variable) Message Signs for the Trans European Road Network (SOMS)‹ International Institute for Information Design (EU) english
›symbol signs‹ for modern life American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), NY, USA english, download
Design of Signage - D'source e.g.: ›Building Signage Symbols‹ Ravi Poovaiah, Professor, IDC, IIT Mumbai(Bombay), India english, PDF
The ›Noun Project‹ Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language english, download
›flaticon‹ database of free vector icons english, download
›Resources on Signage Systems‹ Ravi Poovaiah, Industrial design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India english
›Pie charts for maps‹ TrueType symbol font Curtis Clark, Biological Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (USA) download
»Job Future« Advisory center for professional development Jobcenter Hagen german
»Peirce, Saussure and the foundations of semiotics« Mihhail Lotman Tallinn University, Culture theory PDF, english
»Design /18/12« Cologne (GER) Guidance students did in Cologne; Online magazine deutsch
»Allford Hall Monaghan Morris« London (UK) Timothy Soar, Architectural Photographer english
»Digitale Demenz« Manfred Spitzer Michael Hanfeld, Stellvertretender Feuilletonchef, Medienredakteur, F.A.Z. Frankfurt; 04.09.2012 deutsch
»Vauxhall Cross Transport Interchange« London (UK) TfL - Transport for London english
»Legible London« London (UK) easy-to-use signage system; TfL - Transport for London english
»The Extraordinary Life Of Tempelhofer Feld« Berlin (GER) James Moorton, 3 November 2016 english
de Botton, Alain: ›The Architecture of Happiness‹;
ISBN: 978-0375424434; New York: Pantheon Books (2006) english
Bürdek, Bernhard E.: ›Vom Mythos des Funktionalismus‹; (Myth of Functionalism)
ISBN: 3883752703; Köln : W. König, (1997) deutsch
Cho, Heeryon: ›Cultural Differences in Pictogram Communications‹ Interaction Science Research Institute Sungkyunkwan University, (Korea) english
Kastner, Jeffrey: ›Land and environmental art‹;
ISBN: 91-87215-373, London : Phaidon , 1998 → Call Number: Lapin yliopiston kirjaston: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma TAID 73/76 Land and environmental
Morris, William: ›News from nowhere‹;
Julkaistu myös paperimuodossa (ISBN 1843270145) Ebrary-verkkokirja, luettavissa Lapin yliopiston verkossa. Ebrary e-book, available in University of Lapland LAN.
Nikula, Riitta: ›Architecture and Landscape: The Building of Finland‹;
ISBN 13: 978-951-1-12534-1; 1993, Otava (Helsinki) Helsingin yliopiston kirjastot; Kansalliskirjasto, Call Number: H Avokok. 72 Nikula
Petherbridge, Deanna: ›Art for Architecture: A Handbook on Commissioning‹;
ISBN: 0 11 751794 1; London 1987 english
Raith, Karin: ›Die Unterseite der Architektur‹; (underneath of architecture / Alapintaan arkkitehtuuri)
ISBN: 978-3-211-78653-6; Springer Verlag, 2008 deutsch
Spitzer, Manfred: ›Learning: The Human Brain and the School of Life‹;
ISBN: 978-0080446981; Elsevier Science, 2007 english
Vihma, Susann: ›Designhistoria en introduktion‹;
ISBN: 91-87215-373, ruotsin kielen, swedish → Call Number: Lapin yliopiston kirjaston: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma · TAID 745/749 Vihma Susann
Vitruv (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio): ›De Architectura‹; Translated by Morris Hicky Morgan, Landscape Information Hub (LIH); UK, english, online
Wilhide, Elizabeth: ›William Morris: decor and design‹;
ISBN: 1-85145-508-6 → Call Number: Lapin yliopiston kirjaston: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma · TAID 747 Wilhide Elizabeth
Williams, Stephen: ›Tourism geography: a new synthesis‹;
ISBN: 978-0-415-39425-3 Lapin korkeakoulukirjasto - Juolukka; 40.7 WIL
Williams, Stephen: ›Tourism geography: critical understandings of place, space and experience‹;
ISBN: 978-0415854443
Helka Libraries; Helsinki; Kumpulan kampuskirjasto: Hs 911.338 Williams
Żylińska, Marzena: ›The brain goes to school‹; Copernicus Science Centre (PL); english, online
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