Markus Schröppel |

AGRA0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu
AGRA0715 Environmental Graphics
Linklist according to the lecture: »Orientation · Guidance · Signs« and »Wayshowing versus Wayfinding« 15. Mar.
Interaction Design:
. A technology-centered view.
. A behaviorist view.
. The Social Interaction Design view.
Persona A persona represents a cluster of users who exhibit similar behavioral patterns in their purchasing decisions, use of technology or products, customer service preferences, lifestyle choices, and the like. Behaviors, attitudes, and motivations are common to a "type" regardless of age, gender, education, and other typical demographics. In fact, personas vastly span demographics.
»Neuer Zollhof«; Düsseldorf (GER) Architect: Frank O. Gehry pictures
»Centre Pompidou«; Paris (FR) Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou, architect Renzo Piano et. al. english
»Centre Pompidou«; Paris (FR) publication of magazines Fluidbook français, english, interactive
Wayfinding decision
Commuting and Traveling: »AirTrain JFKennedy Airport«; NY (USA) The Port Authority of NY & NJ (USA) interactive, english
Journal: »Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications«; NY (USA) ISSN 0170-057 X, Verlag Krammer, Vienna (Austria) english, deutsch, italiano, francais
Case Study: Sign functions: Waymarking
»Arnold Arboretum«; Arnold Arboretum of the Harvard University, Boston, MA (USA) english
signs / signage
The ›Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)‹ United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration (USA) english
The ›Substituting/Optimizing (variable) Message Signs for the Trans European Road Network (SOMS)‹ International Institute for Information Design (EU) english
›symbol signs‹ for modern life American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), NY, USA english, download
The ›Building Signage Symbols‹ Ravi Poovaiah, Professor, IDC, IIT Mumbai(Bombay), India english, download
The ›Noun Project‹ Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language english, download
›flaticon‹ database of free vector icons english, download
›Resources on Signage Systems‹ Ravi Poovaiah, Industrial design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India english
›Pie charts for maps‹ TrueType symbol font Curtis Clark, Biological Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (USA) download
Case Study: Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
»Design Guidance«; Urban Design Guidance for Residential Development Basingstoke and Deane, UK interactive, english
»RAL«; (color space system) RAL, Germany deutsch
»BSI«; The British Standards Institution The British Standards Institution (UK) english
»NCS«; Natural Color System, Scandinavian Colour Institute (Skandinaviska Färginstitutet AB) Stockholm (SE) english, svensk
Sign Design
»The Sign Design Society« The Sign Design Society, UK english
»Society for Environmental Graphic Design« Society for Environmental Graphic Design, Washington, DC (USA) english
»International Institute for Information Design« International Institute for Information Design (IIID), Wien/Vienna, Austria english
Case Study: Merton Design Guidance: Design Guide for Conservation Areas
»Resource for Urban Design Information (RUDI)«; web resource dedicated to urban design and placemaking RUDI, UK interactive, english
»International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS)«; Spatial cognition and wayfinding ... english
Study: »How ›Way-Finding‹ Affects the Brain«; UCSD Division of Biological Sciences (USA) english
Dürer, Albrecht: ›Etliche Unterricht zu Befestigung der Stett, Schloss und Flecken.‹;
Nürnberg (GER), 1527 german, illustrations
Reference for »castles, palaces and monasteries«; english
Corporate Design University of Lapland (if needed for your presentation)
Used Font »Gudea«; (Sans Serif) by Agustina Mingote download
New Logo »Lapland University«; as png download
New Logo »Lapland University«; black/white as pdf, vector download
New Logo »Lapland University«; colored as pdf, vector download
Abu-Ghazzeh, Tawfiq M.: »Movement and wayfinding in the King Saud University built environment« Journal of environmental psychology 1996, vol. 16, no4, pp. 303-318 (1 p.3/4) ISSN 0272-4944, Riyadh not free download
Bergström, Berit : ›
Colour Design in Urban Planning - an Environmental Factor‹;
Colour Institute AB, Stockholm, (SE) english
Berger, Craig: ›Wayfinding: Designing and Implementing Graphic Navigational Systems‹;
RotoVision, 2005, ISBN: 978-2880468187 english
Butler, D. L., Acquino, A. L., Hissong, A. A., and Scott, P. A.: ›Wayfinding by newcomers in a complex building.‹;
In Human Factors 1993, Vol 35, Issue 1, pp 159-173. english
Collis, Hugh: ›Transport, Engineering and Architecture‹;
Architectural Pr (April 2004), ISBN: 978-0750677486 english
Fraser, June; Barker, Peter: ›Sign Design Guide‹;
The Sign Design Society and the Joint Mobility Unit of the RNIB (UK) online order, english
Lynch, Kevin: ›The Image of the City‹;
B&T, Juni 1960, ISBN: 978-0262620017 english
Mattila, Anu: ›Wayfinding in a Built Environment‹;
Pro gradu-työ, Lapin yliopisto, 2008 → Call Number: TAID Lop Mattila Anu
Mollerup, Per: ›Wayshowing: a guide to environmental signage; principles & practices‹;
Lars Müller Publishers; 2005 → Call Number: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma; TAID 655 Mollerup Per
Passini, Romedi: ›Wayfinding in architecture‹;
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984 → Call Number: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma; TAID 72 Passini Romedi
Peirce, Charles Sanders: ›What Is a Sign?‹; 1894
Marxists Internet Archive Admin Committee online, english
Rhyne, Janie: ›The Gestalt art experience: patterns that connect‹;
Chicago (IL) : Magnolia Street Publishers, cop. 1996. → Call Number: Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma; TAID 615.851 Rhyne Janie
de Saussure, Ferdinand: ›Third Course of Lectures on General Linguistics‹; (1910-1911)
Marxists Internet Archive Admin Committee, publ. Pergamon Press, 1993 online, english
Smitshuijzen, Edo: ›Signage Design Manual‹;
The Sign Design Society and the Joint Mobility Unit of the RNIB (UK) online order, english
I consider, you allready have a sketchbook:

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