Markus Schröppel |

AGRA0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu
AGRA0715 Environmental Graphics
Linklist according to the lecture: »Perspective / Foreshortening« 21. Mar.
Script: »perspective« PDF
1st Tutorial: Create a »isometric axonometric drawing« and a »dimetric axonometric drawing« of a box in Adobe Illustrator download
2nd Tutorial: Create a »isometric axonometric city« in Adobe Illustrator: Here are the elements. download
Advanced: 22 Illustrator Tutorials for Creating »Isometric Illustrations« online
»Habbo Hotel«
samantapainen: »Hotelli Habbo« suomeksi
another comunity: »Icontown«
Businesslocator »3-D model of Berlin«
Tutorial: »Adobe Illustrator for Urban Planning« University of Illinois
examples for technikal perspectivic illustrations: »Dimetric technical illustrations«
the art-historican I talked about »John Berger«
This and That:
The guys who pushed over 60 million pixels: »iconfactory«
How to get rich by doing so: »stockicons«
»PixelDam«, webcomunity containing many examples of isometric graphics
Visualisation of telecommunications data: ›A Week in the life‹ The data sculpture represents the movement and communication made with a cell phone in one week. by Andreas Nicolas Fischer The sculpture was shown in the DAM Gallery Berlin from 08/02/05 - 08/03/08
Tutorial: »The Adobe® Illustrator® CS6 WOW! Book«, online PDF, download.
Video tutorials: »Adobe Video Workshop«, online Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Berger, John: ›Ways of seeing‹;
ISBN: 0-14-021631-6 Lapin yliopiston kirjaston / Lapland University Library · Taidekirjasto, yleiskokoelma · TAID 75 Berger John
Hudson, Paul: ›Introduction to 3 Dimensional graphics‹ Explanation and tutorial from the University of Hertfordshire
Spissler, Hanno: ›Infografiikka julkaisijan työvälineenä‹;
ISBN: 952-5344-17-7 Lapin yliopiston kirjaston/Lapland University Library: Taidekirjasto, kurssikirjat · TAID K Spissler Hanno
Spissler, Hanno: The ›Infografic online‹ new Infographic examples from Hanno Sprissler german
Franklin, Robin ›Isometric construction‹;
1 videokas. 33 min. + liit. s Lapland University Library · Format: motion picture: Taidekirjasto, videot · TAID Videokasetit Franklin Robin
Note: if you have an issue with the task or your stuck with your idea, do not hesitate to inform me early enough, we can make an appointment in order to discuss the matter in my office.
You can contact me by e-mail.
Or by phone: +358 50 9280444
I consider, you have shown me allready your sketchbook:

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