Markus Schröppel |
AGRA0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu AGRA0715 Wayfinding and Signage Design Unterricht · lectures Impressum |
Achievements of our course lecture: »AGRA 0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu · Wayfinding and Signage Design« 2021 Final course exercise: to develope »guidance elements for Lapland, including all wayshowing clues that can support tourists, visitor or other guests before and after arrival.« Be aware of social distancing and/or strict travel restrictions in Finland during the Corona pandemic. The kind of media is up to your decission and experience during the course. moods from the course: In order to gain an insight into the field research of guidance and orientation systems, the students worked in groups on various typical tourism problems and questions. It was definitely an additional challenge, e.g. being dependent on a wheelchair; ...
The next day back at the university, the various results of the investigation were analyzed and transferred to flow charts in order to more clearly identify the problems that had occurred. These diagrams were then presented to the class and commonalities worked out as working theses in various group work.
One of the things we learned from our tour of the city was that the new tourist center is almost invisible:
The students prepared their final presentations. moods from the presentation on 17. Sept. 2021 · Final presentation. I cleared my office · the scientific posters relating to my research and teaching will remain in the hallway.
Thank you for the great results. I'm looking forward to teaching in Rovaniemi next time.
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