Markus Schröppel |

AGRA0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu
AGRA0715 Wayfinding and Signage Design
The course has started on monday 5. sept. 2022 · 15:00 - 19:00
in F building at Lapin yliopisto - University of Lapland F2071
Taiteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Art and Design (F-talo/building, Yliopistonkatu 8, Rovaniemi)
As promised here are the links and downloads according to this course:
Linklist according to the lecture from 5. sept.: »Tourism & Tourismindustry in Lappland«
Linklist according to the lecture from 6. sept.: »Ethnic stereotypes«
Webcam Link to our lecture from 7. sept.: » ›field research‹ in Kauppakeskus Sampokeskus, klo 13:00 - 20:00 to observe and analyze
the specific touristic behavior in certain settings.«
Linklist according to the lecture from 8. sept.: »Orientation · Guidance · Signs«
Linklist according to the lecture from 8. sept.: »Wayshowing · Wayfinding«
As promissed: ›Planning of Guidance‹
short extract from the lecture PDF / english / download
Linklist according to the lecture from 12. sept.: »Need for Planning Guidance«
Additional informations according to the 2nd part of our lecture from 12. Sept.: »Information for production and bonding vinyl stickers« using our cutting machine (ROLAND CAMM CX-24).
Tutorial Video »Roland Cut Studio« Software to use the cutter Video
Tutorial Video »How to load material in the Roland CX 24 Vinyl Cutter« Tutorial Video
Linklist according to the 1st part of our lecture from 13. Sept.: »Guidance for Public Facilities« and »Signalethique«
Linklist according to the according to the 2nd part of our lecture from 13. Sept.: »Perspective / Foreshortening«
1. Tutorial Perspective according to the lecture from 13. Sept.: »Perspective Drawing in Illustrator«
2. Tutorial Perspective according to the lecture from 13. Sept.: »Perspective Drawing a can«
3. Tutorial Perspective according to the lecture from 13. Sept.: »A simple map in Perspective Drawing«
4. Tutorial Perspective according to the lecture from 13. Sept.: »Small houses in Perspective Drawing«
Instruction according to the lecture from 13. Sept.: »How to Perspective in Illustrator«
Linklist according to the according to the lecture from 15. Sept.: »Pooling«
Linklist according to the lecture from 15. Sept.: »Accessible Design« · »Hospital Design«
Linklist according to the lecture from 15. Sept.: »Virtual Navigation«
Final presentation was on 15. Sept. 2022; see here the achievements.

Aihe on: · Topic of this course:
Environmental Graphic Design embraces many design disciplines including graphic, architectural, interior, landscape, and industrial design, all concerned with the visual aspects of wayfinding, communicating identity and information, and shaping the idea of place. Environmental graphic designers are becoming more than just part of the design team, taking a lead role in the design of signage, wayfinding and visual communication systems.
This course will explore techniques developed as part of the Environmental Graphic Design process to the overall design and planning process in order to welcome, inform, help to orient, regulate and sometimes just encourage people.
›Worldwide Destinations: The geography of travel and tourism (Volume 1)‹ by Brian Boniface, Robyn Cooper, Chris Cooper
Publisher: Routledge; 6 edition (June 22, 2012) english, download
›My hometown as a travel destination?‹ by Prof. Soile Veijola; Fri 9.9. 14:00 - 16:00
Kulttuuritalo Korundi, Rovaniemi finnish, Seminar
Ambrose, Gavin/Harris, Paul: ›Design Thinking‹
AVA Publishing SA, 2010; ISBN-13: 978-3830713814 english / download
Angeria, Mervi: ›Home region as a travel destination, travel destination as a home region‹: writings about the rise to Aavasaksa
LUC kirjasto | Lapin yliopisto; ISBN:978-952-484-336-2 finnish / download
Buxton, Bill: ›Sketching User Experiences getting the design right and the right design‹
Elsevier Inc., 2007; ISBN 13: 978-0-12-374037-3 english / download
Lynch, Kevin: »The Image of the City«: Publication of the Joint Center for Urban Studies (Harvard-MIT Joint Center for Urban Studies Series) online
Pelkonen, Eeva-Liisa: ›Achtung Architektur! Image and Phantasm in Contemporary Austrian Architecture‹;
ISBN 978-0262161596, Cambridge, MA, USA, Mit Press. 1996 english
Ruskin, John: ›The Seven lamps of architecture‹;
ISBN 1843270218, London : Electric Book Co, cop. 2001 Lapin yliopisto, Ebrary e-book
Shepheard, Paul: ›Cultivated Wilderness Or, What is Landscape?‹;
ISBN 0-262691-94-9, Cambridge, MA, USA, Mit Press. 1997 english
Shepheard, Paul: ›What Is Architecture?‹: An Essay on Landscapes, Buildings, and Machines.
ISBN 0-262691-66-3, Cambridge, MA, USA, Mit Press. 1994 english
Stocchetti Matteo; Sumiala-Seppänen Johanna: ›Images and Communities‹;
ISBN: 978-952-495-020-6 Lapin yliopisto, Pääkirjasto, yleiskokoelma; A 316 Images and communities
Summerson, John: ›The classical language of architecture‹;
ISBN: 0-500-20177-3 Lapin yliopisto, Pääkirjasto, yleiskokoelma; TAID 72 Summerson John
Williams, Stephen: ›Tourism geography: a new synthesis‹;
ISBN: 978-0-415-39425-3 Lapin korkeakoulukirjasto - Juolukka; 40.7 WIL
Williams, Stephen: ›Tourism geography: critical understandings of place, space and experience‹;
ISBN: 978-0415854443
Helka Libraries; Helsinki; Kumpulan kampuskirjasto: Hs 911.338 Williams
Note: if you have an issue with the task or you stuck with your idea, do not hesitate to inform me early enough, we can make an appointment in order to discuss the matter in my office (t.b.a.).
You can contact me by e-mail.
Please bear in mind that »my @ulapland.fi« mail address is authorised only during my active lecturing time.
Or by phone: +358 50 9280444 (mobile phone when in finland) +49 179 3983168 (german mobile phone when in germany)
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