Markus Schröppel


Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu

Environmental Graphics

Unterricht · lectures


The course has started on 19. Mar. 2012 · klo 9-13 in Pf 2080 at lapin yliopisto »pöykkölä campus«
     (Savotta Pöykkölä, Laajakaista 3)

As promised here are the links and downloads according to this course:

Linklist according to the lecture from 19. Mar.:
     »The history of western landscape architecture, architecture, enginering and town planning.«

Linklist according to the lecture from 20. Mar.: »Light, Colour, Interiour«
Linklist according to the lecture from 21. Mar.: »Wayshowing versus Wayfinding«
Linklist according to the lecture from 22. Mar.: »Guidance · Orientation«
Linklist according to the lecture from 23. Mar.: »The need for planning«
Linklist according to the lecture from 26. mar.: »Guidance for Public Facilities«.
Linklist according to the lecture from 27. Mar.: »Pooling - bringing people together«
Linklist according to the lecture from 29. mar.: »Accessible Architecture« and »Virtual Navigation«

We had our final presentation on 30. Mar. 2012; see here the achievements.

Course exercise:
›Developing an environmental design concept for Lübeck Blankenese Airport (IATA: LBC)‹


Aihe on: · Topic of this course:

Environmental Graphic Design embraces many design disciplines including graphic, architectural, interior, landscape, and industrial design, all concerned with the visual aspects of wayfinding, communicating identity and information, and shaping the idea of place. Environmental graphic designers are becoming more than just part of the design team, taking a lead role in the design of signage, wayfinding and visual communication systems. This course will explore techniques developed as part of the Environmental Graphic Design process to the overall design and planning process in order to welcome, inform, help to orient, regulate and sometimes just encourage people.


Pelkonen, Eeva-Liisa: ›Achtung Architektur! Image and Phantasm in Contemporary Austrian Architecture‹;
      ISBN 978-0262161596, Cambridge, MA, USA, Mit Press. 1996  english
Ruskin, John: ›The Seven lamps of architecture‹;
      ISBN 1843270218, London : Electric Book Co, cop. 2001  Lapin yliopisto, Ebrary e-book
Shepheard, Paul: ›Cultivated Wilderness Or, What is Landscape?‹;
      ISBN 0-262691-94-9, Cambridge, MA, USA, Mit Press. 1997  english
Shepheard, Paul: ›What Is Architecture?‹: An Essay on Landscapes, Buildings, and Machines.
      ISBN 0-262691-66-3, Cambridge, MA, USA, Mit Press. 1994  english
Stocchetti Matteo; Sumiala-Seppänen Johanna: ›Images and Communities‹;
      ISBN: 978-952-495-020-6  Lapin yliopisto, Pääkirjasto, yleiskokoelma; A 316 Images and communities
Summerson, John: ›The classical language of architecture‹;
      ISBN: 0-500-20177-3  Lapin yliopisto, Pääkirjasto, yleiskokoelma; TAID 72 Summerson John


›Isometrinen projektio‹      suomeksi
›Introduction to 3 Dimensional graphics‹      english
Riemersma, Thiadmer: »Axonometric projections - a technical overview«
      CompuPhase Automatisering, Bussum, Netherlands     online

ISO 5456-3: ›Technical drawings Projection methods, Part 3: Axonometric representations‹;
      International Organization for Standardization, 1996  english

Note: if you have an issue with the task or you stuck with your idea,

     You can contact me by e-mail.

     Or by phone:
     +358 50 9280444 (mobile phone when in finland)
     +49 179 3983168 (german mobile phone when in germany)

Miksi käyttämme ›luonnoskirjat‹? · Why should we use a ›sketchbook‹?

Muutama kysymys? · Any Questions?


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