Markus Schröppel |

UTIL1112 Opastejärjestelmät
UTIL1112 Signage Systems · Signalétique
Achievements of our course lecture: »UTIL1112 Opastejärjestelmät · Signage Systems · Signalétique« 2010
Final Course exercise: Develope the »Humalan hurmio ja Wiinan kirous« · »Rapture of Hops and the curse of Spirits« exhibition in cooperation with the Lapin maakuntamuseo (The Provincial Museum of Lapland), Arktikum, Rovaniemi
moods from the presentation at 12. Mar. 2010:
and moods from the exhibition 11.6.-29.8.2010 in the Lapin maakuntamuseo (The Provincial Museum of Lapland), Arktikum, Rovaniemi:
Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
Conferences at a glance (in 2010)
»Malofiej 18«; 7. - 12. mar. 2010 SND-E, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (ESP) español
»FUSE - Reclaim the Future« design conference; 14. - 16. April, 2010 Chicago, Illinois (USA) english
»ADC Gipfel (summit) 2010«: ›The Clash of Creative Cultures‹; 12. - 16. May 2010 Art Directors Club für Deutschland (ADC) e.V.; Frankfurt/Main (GER) deutsch
»SEGD Conference + Expo«; 2. - 5. June, 2010
SEGD - Society for Environmental Graphic Design (USA) english
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