Markus Schröppel Why should we use a sketchbook?

Unterricht ⋅ lectures


Let's say a ›sketchbook‹ is a place to store simple visual representations of ideas
and concepts.

Sketchbooks are about as basic as it gets when you are talking about visual design.
You, a pencil, and some paper. But oh, the power these simple tools hold! Sketchbooks
take many forms, and at times the actual sketchbook can be it's own form of expression.
They range from the stylish Moleskine, to basic art store brand, to handmade stacks of
stapled paper. You don't need to be a great artist to have one, and you don't need to be
trained in... well, anything. Sketchbooks aren't as expensive as software, but they can
be much more powerful. A sketchbook is used to record sketches (ie visual drawings).
Those which have been kept typically provide evidence of a collection of work at a
particular point in time. Sketchbooks allow a conceptual, verbal, and visual journal of
your process and progress in the course. The process/progress for each assignment
should be evident in your sketchbook, as well as documentation on the choices made
while designing. If you do not feel comfortable drawing you may photograph or
describe verbally your process.

It will be also a indicator for Evaluation and Grading:
How dedicated were you to your journal/sketchbook?
Did you keep a consistent index of your work?
Can you track your process with your sketchbook?

So don't think its a waste of time.


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